Minutes Summary (April 2019)
The meeting was called to order by President Jen Wilk at 8:30a. Minutes of the March meeting were approved. Jeff Vogel was recognized (to applause) as our new vice president. Treasurer Jon Kaskin reported that all pledged sponsorships for the Holiday Reception were received and financial assets are maintained at a steady level. Three events are currently planned. A Breakfast Meeting with Chairman Peter DeFazio (May 9) will take place at the Phoenix Park Hotel. We are pleased to have the chairman of the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee be our first speaker of 2019. The annual National Maritime Reception (May 21) will take place on the eve of National Maritime Day. This is a Propeller Club members-only event with invited guests. The third is a National Maritime Day (May 22) event. The Propeller Club is co-sponsoring a panel presentation at the Department of Transportation on “Empowering Women in the Maritime Community.” The Board received an invitation from the Maritime Administration and decided that the Propeller Club will be honored to be a sponsor of the program to take place at noon. The Board discussed other future events including at least two more lunch gatherings at which maritime-oriented legislators will be invited to speak. Also under consideration are smaller members-only events and membership recruitment efforts. Current membership is slightly less than 100 persons. Propeller Club members are reminded to share with others information on club events and to send industry news to Jeff Vogel and Paul Bea for posting on the website and Facebook page. The Board’s next scheduled meeting is May 3.